Welcome Future Cord Blood Educators!
Cryo-Cell International realizes the hard work that you do to ensure your clients are well informed for their pregnancy, delivery and beyond. So we have put together a program to help facilitate your knowledge to better educate on the topic of cord blood and tissue banking.
Our mission is to provide support to educators so that they can enable expectant parents to make informed decisions regarding storing their infant's stem cells.
Some of the ways we are ready to support you:
Courses for ICEA CEU credit beginning with "Tapping the Talent of Stem Cells".
The "Stem Cell Insider", covering current topics regarding stem cell therapy
Non-company biased educational video to use in childbirth classes
"Educator Kit" with resources for informing expectant parents on the uses of stem cells and benefits of cord blood banking
Referral benefits for educators
Facility tours and events
Client Services Department for questions (languages available Spanish, Chinese and English.)
Department dedicated to cord blood educators’ needs
We are excited to provide these educational resources to you, the educators that work hard to stay on top of the research, trends and fact for their clients. Please visit this page for additional recourses on an ongoing basis.
Comments, questions or just want more information contact us at 800-786-7235 option 3 or email ceducator@cryo-cell.com
Take the first step in gaining knowledge by completing the course link below.
Please click on the following link to register for the first FREE course: