It Takes a Village to Raise a Child

When it comes to parenting, there is no shortage of judging; in fact the judging and unsolicited opinion- giving starts when the first person recognizes you’re pregnant and it continues through delivery, child-rearing and even how to deal with your empty nest when the kids are all grown up! This reality is at every bend, we have choices, multiple choices, and sometimes the abundance of choices are confusing. 

Cord banking choice

When it comes to cord blood banking, we try to make the choice clear. The decision to bank cord blood is one of the most important decisions a parent will make before their baby is born.

As one of our cord blood educators just expressed to a parent, “I consider this my mission in life to make sure parents are educated fully about cord blood and cord tissue preservation.”

You are collecting your baby’s master stem cells that can possibly be used to treat over 80 diseases today and probably many more in the future. Your baby’s stem cells will serve as a repair kit for your baby throughout their life as we move more into regenerative medicine.
Why would a loving parent choose not to bank cord blood?  One reason is simple economics and having the perception that “I cannot afford it.”  Parents should be aware that Cryo-Cell International makes cord blood banking affordable by offering convenient and flexible payment plans.  A second reason that a loving parent may not choose to bank cord blood is due to the school of thought offered by some midwives that it is better to delay cord clamping. Parents should know that, if they feel the need to do so upon their baby’s delivery, they can delay cord clamping for up to one minute and still collect a sufficient number of cord blood stem cells.

Suspending judgment

Just as there is a debate about delayed cord clamping, there are debates about almost all aspects of parenting.  We love the video shown below it which addresses such debates. What’s so inspiring about the video is that it asks you, encourages you and frankly inspires you to suspend judgment. That once you become a parent—not just a Mommy—we are all part of the same journey. Our choices will inevitably differ, sometimes even clash, but we are all in it together. With a shared goal, to raise healthy (physically and emotionally) children. And furthermore, to be there for each other. It’s not just the Sisterhood of Motherhood, the video expresses something even broader and encompassing. It takes a village. Welcome.


Last Updated on: 12/11/2023 by Oleg Mikulinsky