One of our client service representatives started a grass roots charity drive to raise money and/or get new toys donated to the Joe DiMaggio Children’s hospital not far from our Miami office. As a cord blood banking company, we are by our nature often confronted with the reality of a sick child. Seventy-nine families have successfully used their baby’s stem cells stored at Cryo-Cell for transplants. As a company, we become part of these families’ stories.
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Sounds like a strange question, but in cases where people, thankfully, blessedly, live to a ripe old age, free of diseases, why do they ever die? How come they can’t just keep on living forever? And could death be postponed further if someone’s parents had followed their OBGYN’s advice and done cord blood banking for them when they were born? Death may not the most upbeat topic to blog about, but recent studies reveal some optimistic results about the aging process and the potential role umbilical cord blood stem cells may play in mitigating the impact of aging.
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