Dying Pregnant Mom Saved By Baby’s Cord Blood

You can imagine the elation Patricia and Lou felt when they learned they would be having a child. Unfortunately, that feeling of excitement turned into apprehension when a routine blood test at the five-month mark found Patricia had an aggressive form of leukemia.

“I was so excited to be a mother, and at the same time, all I could think about was, Will she have a mother?” said Patricia.

Patricia Durante, saved by own baby's cord blood

Patricia Durante delivered her baby early to save both their lives

What Patricia decided to do next shows this soon-to-be-mom’s amazing strength and courage: She continued with her pregnancy at the risk of her own life and against her doctor’s recommendation. When no donor could be found from a public bank, Patricia was hopeful her own cure could lie in her soon-to-be-daughter’s cord blood after reading about cord blood in a book titled Pregnancy to Parenthood.

“It said, right there, that stem cell can be stored and used to treat diseases like leukemia,” said Patricia. “She was going to save my life; I was convinced.”

Watch this amazing tale of a mother who was determined to see her pregnancy through only to be saved by her daughter’s own cord blood as it aired on 16x9, a Canadian investigative program on the Global station.


Last Updated on: 12/11/2023 by Oleg Mikulinsky